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Catégorie : Programme 1 ThARGET

[Postponed] ISI NucMed – June 28-30th 2021, Nantes

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, ISI NucMed originally scheduled for 8-10 June 2020 is postponed to june 28-30th 2021. Over
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Essai clinique : Protocole d’optimisation de l’immuno TEP

Protocole d’optimisation de l’immuno TEP : Pré-ciblage anti-ACE Type d’étude : Etude de faisabilité Pathologie : Cancer du sein métastatique
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Symposium « Amino acids as diagnostic and therapeutic tools in nuclear medicine ? », June 1st 2021, Nantes

Due to COVID crisis, the workshop is postponed to June 1st 2021. This international symposium will deal with different aspects
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What’s up : Innover en alpha-thérapie, 23 janvier, Caen

Nucleopolis et Atlanpole Biotherapies ont signé un partenariat pour engager des actions communes. Ce What’s Up rassemblera les écosystèmes des
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Le SIRIC ILIAD recrute un post doctorant en radiomics et machine learning

Post-doctoral position on Radiomics and Random Forest Survival. Applications on Multiple Myeloma and lymphoma malignancies (mantle cell and diffuse large
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NTHS 2020: early bird registration et programme en ligne

Early bird registration: before january 10, 2020 To register: here   The fourth edition of the Nuclear Technologies for Health
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CASSIOPET study : Philippe Moreau interview from 61st ASH meeting

The Multiple Myeloma Hub presents expert interviews from the 61st American Society of Hematology (ASH) meeting in Orlando, US. In
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NTHS, 13-14 février 2020, Nantes

Dear Colleagues, It is our great pleasure and honor to invite you to the fourth edition of the Nuclear Technologies
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Atelier DPC Evaluation TEP en oncologie, Paris, 7-8 novembre 2019

Les équipes du programme Tharget du SIRIC organisent l’atelier DPC CNEBMN/SFMN «Evaluation thérapeutique en TEP en oncologie» à Paris les
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Archives SIRIC 2018-2022