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SIRIC ILIAD 2023-2027

Labeled for the second consecutive time in 2023 by the INCa, the ILIAD project is one of the eight SIRICs based on the Comprehensive Care Centers’ research integration model.

Organized around a research-care continuum, ILIAD brings together medical, scientific, and technological expertise while combining different disciplines.

ILIAD relies on integrated, innovative, and multidisciplinary research to detect, treat, and ensure sustainable employment for high-risk patients. Centered around the care pathway, the research conducted by ILIAD teams also focuses on patients’ life paths, incorporating issues of social inequalities and employment retention in the face of illness.

The research programs are implemented on two selected tumors as demonstrators: multiple myeloma and breast cancer.

SIRIC ILIAD Nantes Angers

Predict and characterize high-risk patients.
Develop early detection of high-risk patients to tailor treatments and offer personalized therapies.

Tumor resistance and innovative therapies. Understand the resistance of tumor ecosystems to develop and evaluate innovative therapies.
Develop tools to identify and address inequalities in cancer care and promote sustainable employment retention after cancer.


ISI NucMed 2022 – Du 3 au 6 juin 2023, Nantes

During four days, 20 participants will deepen their knowledge in some of the main research areas in nuclear medicine, with a focus on alpha emitting radionuclides (astatine-211 in particular). They
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A look back at … the Cancer and Work Meeting

The conference “Living and working with cancer” was held on Wednesday 23 November at the Cité des sciences et de l’industrie in Paris. This conference brought together more than 400
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REWORK: A toolbox to facilitate the return to work

After 5 years of research, the REWORK programme of SIRIC ILIAD is about to release a toolbox for patients with breast cancer, which includes materials to help them return to
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SIRIC ILIAD is proud to count Philippe Moreau as one of the most influential researchers in the world 2022

The annual Clarivate – Highly Cited Researchers ranking has, for the seventh consecutive year, recognised Professor Philippe Moreau, Director of SIRIC ILIAD, as a Highly Cited Researcher in 2022. On
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Modeling tumor development and progression: From PDXs to cancer organoids | A colloquium sponsored by SIRIC ILIAD

On October 18th, the French PDX network and the Organoids research group organised, with the support of the SIRIC ILIAD and the CRCI²NA, a hybrid colloquium : Modeling tumor development
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New AF3M newsletter: AIDES & RIGHTS

As part of the National Multiple Myeloma Information Day (JNM 2022) of the AF3M (Association Française des Malades du Myélome Multiple), the association has released a new information bulletin entitled
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