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Month: August 2020

Françoise Kraeber Bodéré, coordinator of the ThARGET programme, receives the SNMMI 2020 Best International Abstract Award

During the annual meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging SNMMI 2020 annual meeting in July, the
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Clinical trial: 18FES PET protocol

Predicting the effectiveness of second-line metastatic hormone therapy Type of study: Multicentre study Pathology: Metastatic breast cancer, HER2 negative Investigatr
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[Postponed] ISI NucMed – June 28-30th 2021, Nantes

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, ISI NucMed originally scheduled for 8-10 June 2020 is postponed to june 28-30th 2021. Over
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Archives SIRIC 2018-2022