On Saturday 15 October, SIRIC ILIAD was present at the National Information Day on Multiple Myeloma (JNM 2022) of the AF3M (French Association of Multiple Myeloma Patients) in Nantes.
JNM 2022 AF3M

For the past 17 years, in collaboration with the haematologists of the IFM (Intergroupe Francophone du Myélome), the AF3M has been organising the National Multiple Myeloma Day in mid-October. Each year, the objectives of the National Multiple Myeloma Day are to allow patients and their relatives to :

  • Learn about the latest knowledge of the disease, its treatments, medical advances, research and clinical trials,
  • listen to explanations and comments from health professionals involved in the care of myeloma patients,
  • get in touch with local members of the AF3M association,
  • allow patients to become actors in their own care,
  • address the quality of life of patients in all its aspects, by showing the importance of having a personalised support.

This National Myeloma Information Day (JNM) is also an opportunity to meet and exchange with other patients and other people living in a similar situation. The JNM is also a privileged moment to create a first link with AF3M and its local volunteers. In 2022, JNM took place on 15 October 2022 in 26 cities in France, including the city of Nantes. Professor Philippe Moreau – Director of SIRIC ILIAD – and Professor Cyrille Touzeau – Researcher at SIRIC ILIAD – both haematologists at the Nantes University Hospital, answered questions from patients and their close relatives during this day.

During the session “Aid and rights: everything you need to know to improve your daily life” SIRIC ILIAD and AF3M presented the new guide “Cancer & work” produced in collaboration.

A special thanks to AF3M for this day of exchange and information. And congratulations to the team of volunteers for the organisation of these days throughout France: Claude Génot, Loïc Aragon, Bernard Delcour, Laurent Gillot and many others!

The full replay of the JNM 2022 filmed in Nantes is available here for the medical questions and here for the aids and return to work.

All the videos broadcast during the day are available on the AF3M YouTube channel, in particular the video presented by Prof. Cyrille Touzeau, on the research carried out by the SIRIC ILIAD on the return to work after cancer:


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