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Category: Programme 1 – ThARGET

The European Medical Radionuclides Programme – PRISMAP – Arronax

GIP ARRONAX is part of the European medical isotope programme PRISMAP, which aims to fundamentally change the European medical radionuclide
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The Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) of SIRIC ILIAD met on 16 & 17 September 2021

The International Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) met on 16 & 17 September 2021: review and improvement perspectives The role of
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SIRIC ILIAD shares the progress of its research with its partners | Review 2020-2021

The SIRIC ILIAD Partners’ Committee met on 31 August to present its 2020-2021 results. On August 31, 2021, the fourth
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SIRIC ILIAD partners with the Multimodal Imaging Centre of the Grand-Ouest: IMRAM

As a result of a partnership between Nantes University Hospital and the Western Cancer Institute (ICO), the new shared medical
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Workshop: Adaptation of the tumour and its ecosystem to radiotherapies | September 22nd-25th, 2021 – Le Bono, West of France

The SIRIC ILIAD partner event organised by the “Tumour targeting, Imaging, radiotherapies network” of the Cancéropôle Grand-Ouest, is dedicated to
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Clinical trial: 89 Zr TLX250 Immuno-PET Cohort

OPALESCENCE : 89 Zr TLX250 Immuno-PET Cohort Type of study : Single-centre study Pathology : Metastatic triple negative breast cancer
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Clinical trial: EITHICS protocol

EITHICS protocol: Study of inflammation using 18F DPA714 PET Type of study: Multicentre study Pathology: Triple-negative breast cancer, operated on
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Kick-off of the NOAR network, the COST project dedicated to the development of alpha therapy

On 22 October 2020 in Brussels, the COST (COoperation in Science and Technology) project dedicated to the development of alpha
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Archives 2018-2022