Predicting the effectiveness of second-line metastatic hormone therapy

Essais cliniquesType of study: Multicentre study

Pathology: Metastatic breast cancer, HER2 negative

Investigatr : Dr.Caroline Rousseau

NCT number : NCT03442504



The aim of this 18FES (estrogen receptor specific marker) PET protocol is to develop a new, powerful, phenotypic, predictive, whole body and non-invasive imaging modality for metastatic breast cancer in patients who are not receiving first line hormone therapy.

Approximately 70% of breast cancer patients have tumours expressing estrogen receptors. Therefore, hormone therapy is an attractive option for adjuvant and metastatic treatment. The success of the treatment depends on the estrogen receptor status of the tumours, which is currently assessed by immunohistochemistry (IHC).

Although immunohistochemistry is suitable for characterising primary breast tumours, it is of less value in multi-metastatic, heterogeneous disease with no multi-site biopsy available. Indeed, as the expression of estrogen receptors changes during the course of the tumour’s evolution, a discordance between primary tumours and metastases is observed in 14.5% to 40% of cases.

The interest of 18FES PET is to predict the efficacy of second-line hormone therapy through whole-body PET mapping of metastatic estrogen receptor expression, for personalised medicine.


Sponsors :

Logo ICOLogo cyclopharmalogo zionexa


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