SIRIC ILIAD teams will present their research work at the annual meeting of the Group for Epidemiology and Cancer Registry in Latin Language Countries GRELL 2022
The “Group for Epidemiology and Cancer Registry in Latin Laguage Coutries” (GRELL) promotes epidemiological cancer research, mainly through the registration of cases in geographically defined populations. The Group collaborates with the International Association of Cancer Registries (IACR) and the European Network of Cancer Registries (ENCR), as well as other scientific associations working in the same field. The GRELL group is organising its 46th annual meeting in Pamplona, Spain, from 18 to 20 May 2022. During the session “Social Inequalities”, the teams of axis 10 of SIRIC ILIAD will present their work on the impact of deprivation on breast cancer survival in French women :
- Florence MOLINIE
Socioeconomic deprivation has been associated with lower breast cancer survival, but the influence of stage on this association merits further study. In particular, the link between deprivation, stage and breast cancer survival may vary according to country and health system. The aim of the team’s work was to study this link in French women, in order to implement more relevant interventions. The results will be presented on Thursday 19 May at 11:15.