During four days, 20 participants will deepen their knowledge in some of the main research areas in nuclear medicine, with a focus on alpha emitting radionuclides (astatine-211 in particular).

They will have the opportunity to meet some of the best international experts in radiopharmaceutical production, artificial intelligence for medical image analysis and theranostic approaches.
The courses, practical work and visits take place in four major nuclear medicine research centers in Nantes: Arronax, Faculty of Science and Technology, Centrale Nantes and Health Research Institute.


For this 2023 edition;
4 days of training instead of 3
1 poster session
1 spotlight per day on nuclear medicine
1 practical session on molecular modeling


✏️ Registration

👩🏻‍💻 The program.


More information right here 🔗 https://isinucmed.univ-nantes.fr/useful-information

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