1ere réunion des directeurs du SIRIC ILIAD en présence des directeurs des établissements partenaires et des représentants d'associations de patients

On 27 February 2018, the first meeting of the SIRIC Directors’ Committee took place in the presence of the directors of each of the member establishments and representatives of patient associations.

The SIRIC ILIAD is supported by the Nantes University Hospital, the ICO (Institut de Cancérologie de l’Ouest) and the Angers University Hospital, which are members of the GCS IréCAN. It associates 7 institutional partners and 2 patient associations (AF3M and Europa Donna).

This meeting of the SIRIC directors launched the drafting of a consortium agreement that will define the operating procedures of the SIRIC ILIAD between all the partners and will be sent to the funders at the end of 2019.

Etablissements porteurs et associations de patients partenaires du SIRIC ILIAD

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