On Wednesday 24 March 2021, the three founding establishments of SIRIC ILIAD: Nantes University Hospital, Angers University Hospital and the ICO, signed the “Cancer and Employment” Charter of the National Cancer Institute. They are thus committed, alongside 50 companies, to improving support for their employees affected by cancer.
In the professional world, more and more people are affected by cancer. In the Pays de la Loire region, an average of 21,000 new cases of cancer are diagnosed each year. Of these, 8,400 are in employment. Keeping employees affected by cancer in employment is therefore becoming a major social issue.
Thanks to its expertise in the field of job retention after cancer, led by Prof. Yves Roquelaure, the SIRIC ILIAD has created a dynamic among its founding institutions. The Nantes University Hospital, the Angers University Hospital and the Institut de Cancérologie de l’Ouest (ICO) have decided to join forces to implement a real approach to maintaining and returning to work for their employees affected by cancer.
The first stage of this commitment took shape on Wednesday 24 March, with the joint signing of the INCa’s good practice charter in the presence of its President, Professor Norbert Ifrah, and Mr Coiplet, Director General of the ARS Pays de la Loire.

This charter “11 commitments to improve support for employees affected by cancer”, drafted in 2015 by the Club des entreprises and INCa, commits the signatory establishments to 4 areas of improvement:
- Supporting employees in maintaining and returning to work
- Training and informing the organisation’s stakeholders
- Promoting health
- Evaluating and sharing good practices
The SIRIC ILIAD, directed by Professor Philippe Moreau, wants to create a real dynamic in its region of Pays de Loire and hopes, thanks to the collaboration of the ReWork programme with occupational health services and patient associations, to mobilise as many companies as possible, including those with few employees.