On the occasion of World Cancer Day, the SIRIC ILIAD Nantes-Angers (Integrated Cancer Research Site supported by the Nantes University Hospital, the Angers University Hospital and the Institut de Cancérologie de l’Ouest) is proud to present the “Cancer & Work Guide – Breast Cancer”.

Guide Cancer & travail - Cancer du sein

Every day, 400 of the 1,200 people diagnosed with cancer are working. Medical progress and the effectiveness of prevention have considerably improved the prognosis for survival from breast cancer and make it possible to consider a return to work after treatment. However, between the side effects of treatment and the personal consequences of the disease, returning to work is not easy for everyone.

The SIRIC ILIAD has a research programme dedicated to returning to and maintaining employment after cancer, the ReWork programme, coordinated by Professor Yves Roquelaure, head of the occupational pathology department of the CHU in Angers and research director of the Ester team.

Produced by the ReWork team in collaboration with the Europa Donna France patient association, this guide is designed for patients and their close relatives in the Pays de la Loire region. In this document, which is structured according to professional status (employee, self-employed, civil servant, etc.), patients can find information on professionals, systems and structures that can help them with administrative procedures and the design of their professional project.

You can now read the “Cancer & Work Guide – Breast Cancer” by clicking here or download it here.

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