Video : Introduction to SIRIC ILIAD’s research work on breast cancer

The SIRIC ILIAD Nantes-Angers (Integrated Cancer Research Site) was certified in December 2017 by INCa, and has been developing research programmes on breast cancer and multiple myeloma since that date. There are three of these programmes, based on nuclear oncology, cellular oncology and epidemiology & human and social sciences.

In the context of Pink October, we would like to present in a video the research work carried out on breast cancer by the 3 SIRIC ILIAD programmes: from diagnosis, to the evaluation of the response to treatment, to the study of relapse and to the post-treatment period with the return to work.

We are pleased to share with you this video produced with the association Europa Donna France and presented by Doctor Jean-Sébastien Frenel, oncologist at the Institut de Cancérologie de l’Ouest:

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