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“Doctors and researchers united to better understand cancer and improve patients’ lives”

At the Nantes – Angers hospital-university site, SIRIC ILIAD conducts integrated, excellent research against cancer by combining the expertise of multidisciplinary doctors and researchers (nuclear medicine, oncology, hematology, biological sciences, human and social sciences, epidemiology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, bioinformatics, artificial intelligence) in a logic of breaking down barriers.

It brings together medical, scientific, and technological strengths:

  • From 13 clinical care and cancer research teams across 3 healthcare institutions in the Pays de la Loire region (CHU de Nantes, Institut de Cancérologie de l’Ouest, CHU d’Angers),
  • From 20 research teams from 9 laboratories (Inserm, Universities, Ecole Centrale, Arronax, Registre des Cancers, …),
  • From 28 technological platforms, infrastructures, and support structures for fundamental, translational, and clinical research

The patient at the heart of SIRIC ILIAD’s ambitions

Relying on a continuum of research and care, SIRIC ILIAD’s ambitions are to:

  • Conduct integrated, excellent cancer research at the Nantes – Angers site, close to patients for better prognostic and therapeutic care
  • Accelerate the transfer of scientific innovations to the clinic for the benefit of patients and medical progress
  • Promote the dissemination of research results to the general public and health professionals, and strengthen the city-hospital link through practitioner training
  • Strengthen ties with patient associations for a better understanding of research and to consider their expectations
  • Contribute to the structuring of the Nantes-Angers site by promoting the establishment of common research infrastructures
  • Increase the visibility and attractiveness of research teams at national and international levels