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Organization and governance

The executive committee

Composé de la directrice du SIRIC ILIAD et des 3 directeurs adjoints, le comité exécutif (COMEX) a pour rôle de mettre en œuvre les décisions du comité scientifique et d’assurer la relation avec les institutions partenaires du SIRIC.

The scientific committee

The scientific committee is composed of the SIRIC management team, as well as the leaders of the 3 integrated programs PRECIZE, DECIPHER, and SICAJOB, along with medical and scientific experts from the Nantes-Angers site: Philippe Juin, Cyrille Touzeau, Marion Eveillard, Julie Gavard, Michel Chérel, and Diana Mateus. It meets once every 2 months.

Its role is to ensure the overall implementation and proper coordination among the 3 research programs. Additionally, it is responsible for selecting new ideas and project opportunities in alignment with the overall SIRIC strategy. It also defines the promotion of scientific results, based on advice from the Junior Scientific Committee.

The board of directors
It is composed of the directors and representatives from each partner institution of SIRIC, representatives from patient associations, as well as the project directors of ILIAD.

Its role is to approve the strategic directions and annual budget based on proposals from the steering committee, review activity and financial reports, monitor the progress of the program, and consider any necessary modifications.

The junior scientific committee
The junior scientific committee consists of the most promising young researchers, doctors, and scientists from each ILIAD team. This committee works closely with the scientific committee.

The junior scientific committee's missions include:

  • Proposing actions that meet the specific needs of early-career professionals and promoting interactions between doctors and researchers, as well as enhancing attractiveness. 
  • Defining and organizing dissemination activities with the support of the management team.
Scientific advisory board

Le conseil scientifique international (Scientific Advisory Board, SAB) est constitué de 5 chercheurs reconnus sur le plan international avec une expertise pour chacun des 3 programmes de recherche intégrée du SIRIC :

Le rôle du SAB est de conseiller le SIRIC ILIAD et de l’accompagner dans la définition de ses orientations. Il est ainsi chargé de l’évaluation de la qualité des travaux de recherche du SIRIC, de son organisation et de sa stratégie.

Le SAB du SIRIC se réunit tous les deux ans.